About the staff

Jay Stauffer

This is Jay and his wife Aimee: parents of 11 children and grandparents of the newborn, Wesley Dehn, son of Joshua and Loraine (Jay’s daughter) Dehn.

Jay has been in the sewing and vacuum business for 20+ years and has seen God’s blessing in his work during those years in building a business of integrity, friendship, and trust. He loves relating to people and often shares a smile and a joke with whoever happens to be around to listen.

Though he started out only selling and repairing machines, he now teaches classes, repairs machines abroad, hosts events in the back room, and plans retreats for customers. Handi-Quilter has two events per year at the store, and Open Sew is a free event in the back room for anyone interested in sewing with friends while using our irons, space, and facilities. Recently, he has also started recording tutorials again on YouTube for solving problems and the questions that continually plague the world of sewing.

Click here to see the YouTube Channel

Shawn Larson

This is Shawn and his wife Caroline, and they have a daughter named Alicia. Shawn is the Service Manager; he loves people and is quick to answer the phone and door. His work is methodical and precise; he has worked with tight tolerances at a business before and applies his experience to his work as our service manager.

Jeremiah Stauffer

This is Jeremiah and Anna, his wife. He just got married in March of 2024 and lives east of Bemidji by about 25 miles. He loves to talk with people and is also heading up the sublimation and t-shirt designing part of A Stitch in Time. He enjoys graphic design, website work, piano, camping, and building picnic tables for a hobby.

Jaden Stauffer

This is Jaden, our service assistant and parts manager. He has been servicing machines for a couple years now and is very quick and intuitive at repairing now. He is starting to join in the On-Site Service crew and will be taking over the majority of calls soon, Lord willing. He really enjoys fishing, hunting, making wood lathe pens, reading, and playing disc golf. He’s shows excellent customer service skills and focuses well on accomplishing what customers need quickly!

Jan Schwartz

This is Jan and her husband Tom. Jan has a wide range of knowledge in quilting, sewing and piecing. She is our professional quilter, quilting most of the quilt tops that arrive here. She shows a wonderful design taste and delights many people with her quilt pattern choices. She takes time for people and listens well to what they say. She goes out of her way to help others, and demonstrates awesome customer service and team-work skills.

Trudi Campbell

Here is Trudi and her husband Bruce; Trudi was a teacher for years, volunteers at the Senior Center, and shows a neat taste for embroidery and gifty nic-nacs. Talking with her is fun and her enthusiasm over her projects is contagious. You’ll definetly enjoy chatting with her if you chance to catch her while she’s here!

Alisha Stauffer

Alisha has been here a couple months already but is going to teach school this fall, Lord willing. She enjoys working with people, completing projects, organizing the store, and she helps this shop run smoothly. She’s a fantastic front end worker! And, maybe you’ll get to see one of her bigger projects soon (it is something that she might finish before she leaves to teach).

Aimee Lynne

Aimee Lynne is named after her mom (Aimee Stauffer); so, she goes by “Aimee Lynne” (her first and middle name) to eliminate confusion. She enjoys music, piano, sewing, socializing, and is very patient. She often works on projects or cleaning around here. She just joined us in the spring of 2024 and is enjoying the customer service arena along with the rest of us.