Somewhat like this:
Each 1st visit to shop this year = 1 drawing entry


Find one of these “hoppers-on-the-shelf” to gain an entry to a weekly drawing during the Shop-Hop! They may not be in the same place from day to day!

Why Shop Hop?

“Many of us have a “favorite” store. A place that’s convenient, familiar, and that carries the stuff we like. But there is a whole world of new and different fabrics, notions, equipment, and personalities you’re missing out on if you don’t occasionally branch out. A Shop Hop provides quilters with a specific plan to do just that.

In a day when brick andmortar retail locations are dwindling across the nation, a Shop Hop works to promote and support quilting and sewing stores,so we cantouch and feel the fabric in person. Most quilters “get this” and understand how important it is to support these places if we want them available in our communities.

Many quilters hop with friends, family, or their favorite “quiltsie.”They’re not just shopping –they’re makingmemories as they travel around an areatogether. Shop Hoppers not only get to visitsewing stores, they also enjoy traveling through large and small towns, discovering places they may have never visited before.

The towns and cities that hoppers travel through also offer many treasures. Small town main streets still exist and evoke many fond memories. Shop Hoppers also support these towns as they take a break to enjoy lunch or dinner at a quaint restaurant. Someone along for the ride may visit a local antique store or boutique while hoppers are visiting a sewing store.

Hops are also about other kinds of fun. Most offer a reward, like prizes or discounts, for visiting participating shops. And of course, you get to express your creative side when you return home by making something beautiful with the items you picked up along the route.

The All Minnesota Shop Hop is coming to Minnesota for their fourth annual event during the months of April and May, 2025. It offers the opportunity to explore nearly 60stores across the state. Start your adventure by picking up the All Minnesota Shop Hop Magazine in mid-February at participating stores. This is a great resource to help you navigate the Shop Hop and something you can use all year long as you travel throughout the state.

Whether you hop to enjoy or support your community, we hope that you’ll mark a few days on your calendar to explore the great state of Minnesota and all that its sewing industry has to offer. To learn more, visit and join the Facebook Group AllMinnesotaShopHop” – Quote from Shop Hop Article AMNSH 2025

Thank you for reading!